How do you generate a Mission Completion Report? - Help Center - Sedunia

How do you generate a Mission Completion Report?

The Mission Completion Report is a unique feature in Sedunia, making compiling and presenting information easy to show stakeholders the positive impact that has been created after each mission.

In just a few steps your mission report is ready to go!

Step 1: Upload Mission Images
(All images size should not exceed 8MB)

Mission Page > Manage > Mission Images

Step 2: Mark Participant's Attendance
(Absent participant's name will not appear in the report)

Mission Page > Manage > Participant Attendance

Step 3: Generate Completion Report

Mission Page > Manage > Completion Report 

Step 4: Fill in details about your mission

Details like brief introduction of the mission, what has been accomplished in the mission, impact outputs, and thank you message. Some details from the mission is auto-generated, including participants and mission reviews. 

Step 5: Generate Report!

Once your editing is saved, you can share the report link to all stakeholders.
You can also choose to publish the report to be available for the public. A notification will appear at the top of your mission page once report is published.