Why should I mark Participant's Attendance? - Help Center - Sedunia

Why should I mark Participant's Attendance?

Marking your mission participant's attendance is important to ensure the impact hours accredited to users are accurate.

In the future, these impact hours will be used to reward users for their efforts and also to filter out those who are consistently absent from missions they sign up for.

Mission Page > Manage > Participant's Attendance

Sedunia tracks the impact everyone has made and uses this data to improve the experience for Mission Organizers like yourself. The data collected will be used to show you how many of your Missions an individual has participated in and updated in their respective profiles.

The Mission Completion Report feature that makes reporting easy allows you to easily generate a report with a click of a button to share your impact story to your stakeholders and the public. One of the data that will be auto generated into the report from your mission is the number of participants and their names who made your mission possible. Therefore, we encourage you as a mission organizer to mark participant's attendance, so that only participants who really helped out would get their names mentioned in the report.

Note: Learn how to create Mission Completion Report now!