Hope Matters - Missions - Sedunia
A completion report will be ready once the mission organizer makes it available.
This mission has ended on Wed, Jan 08 2:00 pm.

Mission Description

Celebrate Christmas and New Year spirit with the kids at UMSC.

The aim of this project is to help raise awareness of cancer kids among both students at Sunway University and the people revolving around our group members to expand this circle of knowledge regarding this issue. This has been a commonly fatal concern that has affected both the victims and the people around them emotionally. As for this project, we intend on paying a visit to them in Paedrictric ward, Kompleks Kanak-Kanak Dan Wanita, UMSC on the day of 8th January 2020 and provide them with whatever needs necessary that are within our respective capabilities to help bring the Christmas and New Years spirit of togetherness regardless of ethnicities and beliefs. Instead of it being just a festive celebration, we would want the kids to know that every day is a day to live as a family with the ones closest to them. A few days before our visit to the hospital we gave an empty piece of paper to the students at Sunway University and asked them to fill up with short messages from our students to the kids which will be passed on the day of the visit. So, each of the kids would receive a heartwarming message from our students who showed love and care towards them. Although this seems to be a small thing to do surely it will give an impact on those children's life as this would boost them to recover faster from the ill.

We approached organizations such as the Outstanding Mind Creations (OMS), ASPACT and Small Changes MY. We may not be able to provide an impact physically to relieve them from their sufferings, but we, as a team, intend to make sure that they know there are people out there who are both there for them and have them in their prayers. We will be preparing meals for them depending on the recommended diet prescribed by the hospital which we later contacted the hospital canteen to get the invoice regarding the food value. We are also planning to execute a couple of simple board games that would require minimal physical movements so everyone will be able to participate and none will feel left out. Following that, two of our groupmates will be providing facial painting on those kids who are interested in it. Not only that our groupmates did face painting our groupmates also did Henna on the hand for the kids. It was a fun session while some kids get to do face painting.

Another activity that we came up with would be having a clown to perform some magic tricks and provided balloon animals for the kids to help make this day memorable for them. We make sure all the kids enjoyed so clown so we bring the around the clown to those wads where the kids weren't allowed to come out or shy by giving them treats and balloons did by our clown. We will also have a quick photography session for each of them with their families if present, with none other than our very own Clown as we will be providing them with a coloring book and color pencils as they were undergoing chemotherapy may feel bored sitting in the room and doing nothing and our NGO Small Changes My helped to distribute it to them. A small polaroid picture of them with Clown and us will be given to them with small notes hand-written by us on it will be given to them so they will always be able to keep this day close to their hearts. 

While the kids were enjoying the show, our NGO, ASPACT walk around talking to the parents about the counseling service they provide. Parents get to know more about our NGO and understood what they were providing. ASPACT provides all types of support like mental support as a priority. The parents had a better knowledge of what to do and all after post-treatment. This way ASPACT got to be more recognized by the parents which will help them to become a more famous support group in the community.

A small video will be compiled for this process inclusive of short interviews with both the kids and their parents to record their feedback on what their thoughts are regarding both this day and what they are going through on a daily basis. This would serve as a stepping stone to us to understand better and raise further awareness to the people around us to help attract more people to not only contribute to this cause but to participate as well in the near future. Depending on which NGO, we will be having a short interview as well with them to enhance our knowledge to help in other ways as we carry on with our lives.

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Mission Impact

To raise awareness for pediatric cancer at Sunway University.

SDGs Addressed


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When & Where

Kompleks Kanak-kanak Dan Wanita , UMSC
University Malaya Specialist Centre
Lorong Universiti,
Kuala Lumpur
50603, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
GPS Coordinates: 3.1161994, 101.6507310

08 Jan 2020 09:00 am (Wednesday)
08 Jan 2020 02:00 pm (Wednesday)

Mission Hours
5 hours

Ticket Price

Organized by


Joined on 09 Dec 2019


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