
Advanced Builder Tools

Advance from your Builder Basics, and get intimately familiar with advance knowledge and practicality with your tools.
Construction & Building

1 awarded


The Advance Builder Tools will equip you with more refined skills on construction tools in order to build with a high quality mindset prioritising safety and effectiveness. As a leader at the construction site, you will be responsible not only for yourself but also the welfare of other builders, and that's why this module was developed to sharpen your skills in monitoring yourself and those around you in using tools just like a pro.

The module will start off with reliving building experiences (good practices and common mistakes), then dive into a high-intensity rotation of tools stations closely-facilitated by our experienced trainers, and finally you will be put to the test to apply what you've learned.

Once you have completed this module, you should be able to identify the sights and sounds of ineffective/unsafe tools usage, lead others in handling tools properly and doing basic tool maintenance.

Knowledge: To know what are the most suitable tools to use in order to build with high quality
Value: Ability to be flexible in using available tools to build with high quality, To be able to monitor self and others in using tools safely and effectively
Skill: Knowledge of power tools, Safety precautions, Using power tools effectively


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