Distribution of quotes

Mission Completion Report

27 Sep 2019 - 27 Sep 2019

by Resilience

HOSTED BY Resilience

A Brief Introduction

The purpose of this activity is to help students manage their emotions and face their fears.

In this activity we created a quote box which is divided into four sections. Each section will state a feeling; Happiness, Sadness, Anger and Fear. These are common emotions of students in their day to day lives.

Afterwards, students across the campus are asked to choose a box based on how they are feeling at the moment. Upon selecting, they are to reach they hand into the box and pick a quote which will be useful in controlling the emotion.

Mission Details

  • Duration of the Mission 1 day
  • Active Mission Hours 7 hours
  • Number of Participants 0
  • Total Mission Cost RM 9.00
  • Location Sunway College
  • Sustainable Development Goals Addressed

Sustainable Development Goals Addressed

In the Field

Mission Outputs

  • Number of participants 16

What has been accomplished

The quotes provided at the end of this activity will contain an important message which will help students face their emotions. 

Mission Reviews
0 reviews


Final Words

We believe that this will help students adapt into this new environment and become more comfortable.